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周军智(Junzhi Zhou),博士,研究员,广东医科大学高层次人才,硕士生导师及博士后合作导师,蛋白修饰与肿瘤微环境研究团队负责人。2014年博士毕业于北京师范大学,从事端粒酶生物学研究。2014.01至2015.05中国科学院生物物理研究所任助理研究员,从事干细胞衰老的分子机制研究。2015.05至2019.05分别于美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院、耶鲁大学医学院从事博士后工作,相继开展了肿瘤表观遗传学及肿瘤免疫学研究。2019.05至2024.01在杭州师范大学基础医学院从事蛋白修饰与肿瘤微环境研究。2024.02入职广东医科大学组建蛋白修饰与肿瘤微环境研究团队(实验室位于实验楼617、618、619)。自2016年开始任国家自然科学基金医学部老年医学青年基金函评专家。担任国际学术期刊Frontiers Endocrinology(IF 6.055,中科院2区)客座编辑;担任Cell Press旗下新子刊STAR Protocols审稿人。



1.项目名称:HIF-1α的UFMylation修饰在肿瘤低氧微环境及治疗中的作用和机制研究,起止时间:2024.01-2027.12,项目编号: 82372916,国家自然科学基金面上项目,经费:49万。项目主持人。





代表作:以第一作者(含共一)或共通讯发表国际性学术论文17篇,代表作包括: 美国科学院院刊PNAS(2023,IF=12.779,第一作者及通讯作者);Nature Communications(2019,IF=12.121);Clinical and Translational Medicine(2021,IF=11.492);STAR Protocols(2022,Cell新子刊);Aging Cell(2014,IF=7.4老年医学顶刊)。此外,国家发明专利1项(第一发明人)。

[1]Junzhi Zhou*,#, Xiaohe Ma#, Xingrui He, Beiying Chen, Jiao Yuan, Zhemin Jin, Lijing Li, Zhiguo Wang, Qian Xiao, Yafei Cai, Yongkang Zou*, Yu-sheng Cong*.Dysregulation of PD-L1 by UFMylation imparts tumor immune evasion and identified as a potential therapeutic target.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS),2023.120. 11. 1-12 (综合性顶级期刊,中科院1区,2022 IF: 12.77,*#第一作者及通讯作者)

[2] Zhongyi Hu#,Junzhi Zhou#, Junjie Jiang#, Jiao Yuan, Youyou Zhang, Xuepeng Wei, Yueying Wang, Yutian Pan, Tianli Zhang, Xiaomin Zhong, Meixiao Long, Kathleen T. Montone, Janos L. Tanyi, Yi Fan, Tian-Li Wang, Ie-Ming Shih, Xiaowen Hu*, Lin Zhang*.Genomic characterization of genes encoding histone acetylation modulator proteins identifies therapeutic targets for cancer treatment.Nature Communications, 2019.1.18, 10(733): 1~7. (国际知名综合性期刊,中科院1区,2019 IF: 12.50, #共同第一作者)

[3]Junzhi Zhou, Xiaohe Ma, Lu Xu, Qian Liang, Jian Mao, Jiang Liu, Miao Wang, Jiao Yuan, Yu-sheng Cong*.Genomic profiling of the UFMylation family genes identifies UFSP2 as a potential tumor suppressor in colon cancer.Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2021, 11. 1-4. (中科院1区,2020 IF: 11.49 )

[4]Junzhi Zhou, Qian Liang, Maogong Dong, Xiaohe Ma, Yaqi Jin, Di Guan, Jiang Liu, Miao Wang, Yu-sheng Cong*.Optimized protocol to detect protein UFMylation in cells and in vitro via immunoblotting.STAR Protocols, 2022, 3, 101074-101079. (Cell Press新子刊,暂无分区)

[5]Junzhi Zhou, Beibei Mao, Qi Zhou, Deqiang Ding, Miao Wang, Peng Guo,Yuhao Gao, Jerry W. Shay, Zengqiang Yuan and Yu-Sheng Cong*.Endoplasmic reticulum stress activates telomerase.Aging Cell,2014,13(1):197-200.(老年医学顶级期刊,中科院1区,IF: 7.17)

[6] Yongkang Zou,Yusheng Cong,Junzhi Zhou*.Implications of telomerase reverse transcriptase in tumormetastasis.BMB reports, 2020, 53(9): 458-465. (*通讯作者),IF: 5.05,中科院3区

[7]Junzhi Zhou, Deqiang Ding, Miao Wang and Yu-Sheng Cong*.Telomerase reversetranscriptase in regulation of gene expression,BMB reports. 2014, 47(1): 8-14.IF: 5.05,中科院3区

[8]Junzhi Zhou, Peng Xi, Deqiang Ding, Qi Zhou, Yu-Sheng Cong*.The putative tumorsuppressor C53 interacts with the human telomerase reverse transcriptase hTERT and regulates telomerase activity.ChineseScience Bulletin, 2014, 59(19): 2324-2330.

[9] Peng Xi#, Deqiang Ding#,Junzhi Zhou#,Miao Wang, Yu-Sheng Cong*.DDRGK1 regulates NF-κB activity by modulating IκBα stability.PLOS ONE,2013, 8(5):1-5. (共同第一作者)




[1] Weiqi Zhang#, Jingyi Li#, Keiichiro Suzuki#,Jing Qu#, Ping Wang,Junzhi Zhou, Xiaomeng Liu, Ruotong Ren, Xiuling Xu, Alejandro Ocampo, Tingting Yuan, Jiping Yang, Ying Li, Liang Shi, Dee Guan, Huize Pan, Shunlei Duan, Zhichao Ding, Mo Li, Fei Yi, Ruijun Bai, Yayu Wang, Chang Chen, Fuquan Yang, Xiaoyu Li, Zimei Wang, Emi Aizawa, April Goebl, Rupa Devi Soligalla, Pradeep Reddy, Concepcion Rodriguez Esteban, Fuchou Tang*,Guang-Hui Liu*, and Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte*.A human stem cell model of Werner Syndrome reveals a novel crosstalk between genomic and epigenomicinstabilityduring ageing.Science, 2015,348(6239): 1160–1163.参与完成了重要的分子机制部分。

[2] Jiang Liu, Di Guan, Maogong Dong, Jingjing Yang, Haibin Wei, Qian Liang,Lizhi Song, Lu Xu, Junjie Bai, Cui Liu, Jian Mao, Qian Zhang,Junzhi Zhou,Xiaoying Wu, Miao Wang and Yu-Sheng Cong*.UFMylation maintains tumour suppressor p53 stability by antagonizing its ubiquitination,Nature Cell Biology, 2020, 22:1056-1063.

[3] Mao J#, Zhang Q#, Wang Y, Zhuang Y, Xu L, Ma X, Guan D,Zhou J, Liu J, Wu X, Liang Q, Wang M, Cong YS*.TERT activates endogenous retroviruses to promote an immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment.EMBO Reports. 2022.

[4] Qian Liang, Yaqi Jin, Shiwen Xu,Junzhi Zhou, Jian Mao, Xiaohe Ma, Miao Wang, Yu-Sheng Cong*.Human UFSP1 translated from an upstream near-cognate initiation codon functions as an active UFM1-specific protease,Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022

[5] Huize Pan#,Di Guan#, Xiaomeng Liu, Jingyi Li, Lixia Wang, Jun Wu,Junzhi Zhou, Weiqi Zhang, Ruotong Ren, Jiping Yang, Ying Hao, Tingting Yuan, Guohong Yuan, Zhenyu Ju, Fuchou Tang*, Guang-hui Liu*.SIRT6 safeguards human mesenchymal stem cells from oxidative stress by coactivating NRF2.Cell Research,26:190–205, 2016.

[6]You Zhou#, Xifu Ye#, Chenlu Zhang, Jiabao Wang, Zeyuan Guan, Juzhen Yan, Lu Xu, Ke Wang, Di Guan, Qian Liang, Jian Mao,Junzhi Zhou, Qian Zhang, Xiaoying Wu, Miao Wang, Yu-Sheng Cong*, Jiang Liu*.Ufl deficiency causes kidney atrophy associated with disruption of endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis.Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2021, S1673-8527

[7] Deqiang Ding,Junzhi Zhou, Miao Wang and Yu-Sheng Cong*.Implications of telomere-independent activities of telomerase reverse transcriptase in human cancer.FEBS Journal, 2013, 280: 3205–3211.

[8]Deqiang Ding#, Peng Xi#,Junzhi Zhou, Miao Wang, and Yu-Sheng Cong*.Human telomerase reverse transcriptase regulates MMP expression independent of telomerase activity via NF-κB-dependent transcription.FASEB Journal, 2013, 27:1-9.

